Wednesday, July 9, 2008

VP of Marketing

I had a discussion with the head of my brand about me taking over the marketing department. A prospect that makes sense from the perspective of competence and the need for change within the organization. But there are some HR/political issues since it is a family owned company and it would be an unnaturally rapid ascent through the ranks.

A tough prospect since I would like to begin business school within the next two years.

But the company desperately needs the help so I have to stay. And it will still be hard to leave in 2010.

We will know if the company is going to survive within the next 6-9 months. If we don't have sales that are trending upwards it's going to be extremely difficult for us to secure a new loan agreement since we have no tangible collateral for the bank to seize.

Too bad things move like molasses at work. And the company is losing money.

But that is a whole other story. Like I said. It's a family company. My family's.

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