Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Why I Think We Are Headed For A Depression

Our economy is in the crapper and getting worse.

There is a perfect storm of economic factors that has magnitude without precedence in history.

We are standing on top of the longest and greatest bull market ever; thus leaving a long way for the economy to fall.

One major factor--the price of oil--is likely to continue on its current trajectory indefinitely.

Much of the Western World, and especially the United States, is deploying massive amounts of resources and manpower to places across the globe. These organizations will likely be essential in taking care of domestic problems in the not so far future.

Humanity is acting with remarkable lethargy to slow down the effects of global warming. The world is heating up. And we are like mice in a microwave.

Over the next few years the confluence of factors like dramatically higher energy costs, significantly higher food prices, a reversal in the trend of declining prices for consumer goods, a continuation in a worldwide increase of natural disasters.

In the short term America is going to be crippled by the skyrocketing energy prices. The only thing that can offset this near inevitability is spectacular innovation. Unfortunately America has had slipping schools for decades

We're polishing china on the Titanic.

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